
Friday, 31 May 2019

Catholic Schools day

On Tuesday it was Catholic schools day. St Ignatius and St Pius X came to our school and they were wearing red uniforms and st Ignatius  wore blue uniforms. Mass started and we sang and listened to readings and prayers. Near the end they did a Liturgical dance. It was very nice.
After Mass they were gathered under the canopy and eating there lunch and talking. It was raining and soon St Ignatius had to leave to go back to their school. We were playing on the big kids park in our school with St Pius X kids. Then they had to go back to school. Room 6 had a great afternoon together in class.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Tika, Pono, Aroha

We have been learning about how Jesus respected the tapu (sacredess) of people. He told stories which show us how we must care about other people. The first story we read was when Jesus was walking home to Gallilee and then he saw a Samaritan woman. When Jesus was alive the Jews hated the Samaritans and couldn't talk to them. Jesus still asked the woman for some water.
He shows us that it is important to treat other people with tika (doing the right thing), pono (being true) and aroha (with love and compassion). Sometimes even when we don't want to get involved, we should try and help other people especially they are sad or disappointed.